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Mame32 V 0 87 Youtube

Hi guys and girls.well, iam a big fan of the beat em ups.so i would like to tell you about a not very well knowed mugen fangame. Named double dragon 87.this is a very VERY! Cool fangame, cause is a double dragon remake, USING THE MUGEN ENGINE!their website:video (on my youtube channel)(are you looking for the original video? The link are on the description of that video. Sorry for the double post, but i really dont know where to put this.and since this is also an sprite editing work.do you like sonic 3 & knuckles?and do you know sonic.exe creepy pasta flashgame?well, this is a very curious canceled project for recreate sonic.exe into sonic 3 & knuckles.the sonic 3 & knuckles.exe hacksaddly, the project was canceled.HOWEVER. The creator has put there the download link for the Disassembly of the hack.he says that if someone want to continue his work, he can do it.

But after gives to him some credit for their work.apart, i know other sonic hacks creator named blad:he do one excelent but harder hack named 'sonic 3 & knuckles harder bosses' where yes, the bosses are a lot of harder.and is very challenging.this guy also know many tricks about edit things on s3&k.so has changed the music for it sounds more creepy and things like that.do similar edits into that s3&k.exe cool fits so good. Or changes the music to the drawn music, just like on the creepypasta flashgame.i say this only for if someone here likes s3&k, knows something about hacking, and would have interest on it.cause this hack is not a very knowed thing.anyway, guys give it a play. Cause is so curious.greetings. Hi, welcoem to Chronocrash.I am aware of that project, its pretty cool. I am very experienced with Mugen so I can be honest: to make a Beat 'em Up game using mugen is like eating soup using a fork. You can do it, but its a waste of time and resource. In Winmugen era, when do still had the Z plane, this was a lot easier than now.

Elecbyte decided to remove Z plane, now you have just X and Y planes.So all the game is built over a 'castle of cards', which can fall in no time. If you break one thing, you may breake everything. I remember when someone posted this at facebook mugen group (run by some latin guys) and I talked about this.and I got flammed. Since then, I decided to left that group.About MAME cheats, I use them in the latest version in.xml and I have no problem.@miguelo777: do not make one post with tons of links, talking about many different things. This sounds 'suspicious'. Hiyeah is truth.for make a beat em up like streets of rage, openbor is clearly the best option today.more when it was improvement today!.and im sorry you was flammed there.cause you can have one different point of view. And see hard do that game, over one mugen engine.but that doents means you dont recognize the hard work behind it, or even think it was cool.and sorry about the giant post.lets say that sometimes i get excited (LOL) and i put too much things on my messages.about the xml cheat.zip file on mame:-you has said that you used the new mame cheats file, right?i means, these older cheats that i posted in the links on my blog (the old type 'cheat.dat' file) doents works on a new mameui32.


MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework.MAME’s purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important 'vintage' software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its initial focus.

Sadly, the release of MAME 0.216 coincided with the passing ofcontributor Morten Shearman Kirkegaard. With the end of November in sight, it’s time to check out MAME 0.216!We’ve addressed the reported issues with last month’s bgfx update, andmade a whole lot of little improvements to MAME’s internal userinterface.


In particular, setting up controls should be easier, andseveral issues affecting macOS users with non-English number formatsettings have been fixed. Some of the issues caused bad settings to bewritten to INI files. If you still don’t see the filter list panel onthe system selection menu, try removing the ui.ini file.This month, we’re able to present two unreleased 1970s prototypesfrom Italian developer Model Racing: their internal code names are Caneand Orbite. With the assistance of former Model Racing employees, thesource code was extracted from the original disks. These games areincomplete, but they provide a unique look into early CPU-based arcadedevelopment. Game & Watch titles continue to be emulated, with theaddition of Mario The Juggler, and the panorama screen Mickey Mouse andDonkey Kong Circus games in this release.This release brings GameKing emulation to MAME.


The system-on-a-chipused in this low-cost, low-resolution hand-held console from the early2000s has been identified and emulated. Games for the colour-screenGameKing III are also playable. Acorn BBC Micro emulation has beenre-worked to support internal expansion boards, and a number ofadditional peripherals are now available.

Mame32 Windows 10

ZX Spectrum emulation hasbeen enhanced with better open bus read behaviour and support for twoMiles Gordon Technology peripherals.Of course, these are just the highlights. You can read about therest of the fixes and improvements in the, or get the source and Windows binary packages from. A wild MAME 0.215 appears! Yes, another month has gone by, and it’stime to check out what’s new. On the arcade side, Taito’s incrediblyrare 4-screen top-down racer Super Dead Heat is now playable! Joiningits ranks are other rarities, such as the European release of Capcom‘s19XX: The War Against Destiny, and a bootleg of Jaleco’s P-47 –The Freedom Fighter using a different sound system.

We’ve got threenewly supported Game & Watch titles: Lion, Manhole, and SpitballSparky, as well as the crystal screen version of Super Mario Bros.Two new JAKKS Pacific TV games, Capcom 3-in-1 and Disney Princesses,have also been added.Other improvements include several more protection microcontrollersdumped and emulated, the NCR Decision Mate V working (now includinghard disk controllers), graphics fixes for the 68k-based SNK and AlphaDenshi games, and some graphical updates to the Super A'Can driver.We’ve updated bgfx, adding preliminary Vulkan support. There aresome issues we’re aware of, so if you run into issues, check ourpage to see if it’s already known, and report it if it isn’t. We’vealso improved support for building and running on Linux systems withoutX11.You can read about everything that’s been updated in the, or get the source and Windows binary packages from. The upcoming MAME 0.215 release will be the last version that can becompiled with GCC 5 or GCC 6. Going forward, the minimum supportedcompiler will be GCC 7.2 or clang 5. Thehave included GCC 7.4 for some time already, so you won’t need to updateunless you haven’t in a very long time.MAME 0.217 will be the last release with pre-built 32-bit Windowsbinaries supplied. Starting in 2020, you’ll need to compile MAMEyourself if you want a 32-bit version.

We’ll still support buildingfor 32-bit architectures, but optimisation for 32-bit x86 will not be apriority. With the end of September almost here, it’s time to see what goodiesMAME 0.214 delivers. This month, we’ve got support for five moreNintendo Game & Watch titles (Fire, Flagman, Helmet, Judge andVermin), four Chinese computers from the 1980s, and three Motorola CPUevaluation kits. Cassette support has been added or fixed for anumber of systems, the Dragon Speech Synthesis module has been emulated,and the Dragon Sound Extension module has been fixed.

Acorn Archimedesvideo, sound and joystick support has been greatly improved.On the arcade side, remaining issues in Capcom CPS-3 video emulationhave been resolved and CD images have been upgraded to CHD version 5,Sega versus cabinet billboard support has been added to relevant games,and long-standing issues with music tempo in Data East games have beenworked around.Of course there’s much more, and you can read all about it in the, or get the source and Windows binary packages from. It's really about time we released MAME 0.213, with more ofeverything we know you all love. First of all, we’re proud to presentsupport for the first Hegener + Glaser product: the “brikett” chesscomputers, Mephisto, Mephisto II and Mephisto III. As you can probablyguess, there’s an addition from Nintendo’s Game & Watch line. Thismonth it’s Mario’s Bombs Away.

On a related note, we’ve also addedElektronika’s Kosmicheskiy Most, exported as Space Bridge, which is anunlicensed total conversion of the Game & Watch title Fire. If youhaven’t played any of the handheld LCD games in MAME, you’re missingsomething special – they look superb with external scanned and tracedartwork.On the arcade side, we’ve added The Destroyer From Jail (a rarePhilko game), and alternate regional versions of Block Out and SuperShanghai Dragon’s Eye. The CD for Simpsons Bowling has been re-dumped,resolving some long-standing issues. With its protectionmicrocontroller dumped and emulated, Birdie Try is now fully playable.Protection microcontrollers for The Deep and Last Mission have also beendumped and emulated.

Improvements to Seibu hardware emulation meanBanpresto’s SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki is now playable,and sprite priorities in Seibu Cup Soccer have been improved.In computer emulation, two interesting DOS compatible machines basedon the Intel 80186 CPU are now working: the Mindset Personal Computer,and the Dulmont Magnum. The Apple II software lists have been updatedto include almost all known clean cracks and original flux dumps, andthe Apple II gameport ComputerEyes frame grabber is now emulated.We’ve received a series of submissions that greatly improve emulation ofthe SWTPC S/09 and SS-30 bus cards. On the SGI front, the 4D/20 now hasfully-working IRIX 4.0.5 via serial console, and a whole host ofimprovements have gone into the Indy “Newport” graphics board emulation.Finally, MAME now supports HDI, 2MG and raw hard disk image files.You can read all about all the improvements and bug fixes in the, or get the source and Windows binary packages from. It’s the moment you’ve surely been waiting for: the release ofMAME 0.212! A huge amount of work has gone into this release in anumber of different areas.

Starting with the software lists, you’llfind hundreds more clean cracks for Apple II, the Rainbow on Diskcollection for Tandy Color Computer, all the latest Game Boy Advancedumps, and thousands more ZX Spectrum cassette images. Chess computersnow support chess piece simulation using the built-in artwork, supporthas been added for several more chess computers from Hegener &Glaser, Novag and Saitek, and the Tasc ChessSystem R30 is now working.Three Game & Watch titles, Bomb Sweeper, Gold Cliff and Safe Buster,have been added for this release.Protection microcontrollers continue to fall, with Rainbow Islands –Extra Version, Choplifter, Wyvern F-0, 1943: The Battle of Midway andBionic Commando no longer needing simulation, hacks or patches. In somecases, the dumps have confirmed that the protection had beenreverse-engineered correctly and the simulation was correct, but it'sstill important to preserve these programs. It’s also important forpeople repairing these systems if the original microcontrollers havefailed.There are three important sound-related fixes in this release:FM Towns CD audio playback positions have been fixed, Konami System 573digital audio synchronisation has been improved, and a special lowlatency mode has been added for the PortAudio sound module.For more advanced users and developers, more functionality has beenexposed to Lua scripts and plugins.

The layout file format has beenoverhauled to better support systems that make creative use of LEDsand LCDs. Disassembler support has been added for the Fujitsu F2MC-16and National Semiconductor CompactRISC CR16B architectures. And ifyou've been following along, you might notice that we’ve waved goodbyeto a little more of our C legacy with the removal of theMACHINECONFIGSTART macro and its associated crud.Of course, there’s plenty more that we don’t have time to mentionhere. You can read all about it in the, or get the source and Windows binary packages from.